More than 1.2K online schools with over 85k students globally use Klas

How it works
Set up class schedule, fill class details, and add class cost in USD/NGN

Share your class link via social media or embed it on your web to receive bookings

Host an immersive class for your students and access the recordings


Features everyone will enjoy

Accept payments globally
Manage enrollments, track payouts, and use best-in-class checkout with Klas pay.

Dynamic scheduling
Set recurring, cohort, and one-time classes. Use seamless timezone detection and integrate with your Google Calendar.

Manage your growing school
Access a detailed overview of how your school is performing at any moment. Track student attendance, classes, and revenue- all in real time.

Host classes of any type
Use Klas to set up an interactive virtual classroom to fit any type of class, from a finance class to a data analysis class.
Don't just take our word for it...
"Klas is a brilliant platform for creators to share and monetize their expertise. The technology is fabulous and team is very professional. Delighted to be a partner."

"Working with Klas has been one of the spotlights of the year for Codenovation. The platform is easy to use, seamless, and has excellent customer service. Thanks for making it easy to teach online."

"Great UI, easy to use, and straightforward. Excited to host more mandarin class on Klas."

"Working with Klas has been one of the spotlights of the year for Codenovation. The platform is easy to use, seamless, and has excellent customer service. Thanks for making it easy to teach online."

"Great UI, easy to use, and straightforward. Excited to host more mandarin class on Klas."